What is Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) ?
What is Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) ?
- IFC data model is intended to describe architectural, building and construction industry data.
- It is an open, international standard (ISO 16739-1:2018).
- It is a platform neutral, open file format specification that is not controlled by a single vendor or group of vendors.
- IFC as the PDF of BIM. Like PDF, an IFC file is a “frozen copy of the original content.”
IFC defines multiple File Formats that may be used :-
- IFC-SPF (.ifc) is a text format defined by ISO 10303-21, most widely used IFC format, having the advantage of compact size yet readable text.
- IFC-XML (.ifcXML) is an XML format defined by ISO 10303-28, suitable for interoperability with XML tools and exchanging partial building models. Due to the large size of typical building models, this format is less common in practice.
- IFC-ZIP (.ifcZIP) is a ZIP compressed format consisting of an embedded IFC-SPF file or IFC-XML file.
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