What is COBie ?

 What is COBie ?

COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange.

  • COBie is an international standard for building data exchange & most common use is in product data handover from construction to operations.
  • The most common representation of COBie is the COBie spreadsheet.
  • The idea behind COBie is that the key information is all pulled into one format and shared between the construction team at defined stages in a project.
  • COBie helps organizations to electronically capture and record important project data at the point of origin, including equipment lists, product data sheets, warranties, spare parts lists, and preventive maintenance schedules.
  • This information is essential to support operations, maintenance and asset management once the built asset is in service.
  • Replacing reliance on uncoordinated, often paper-based, handover information typically created by people who did not participate in the project and delivered many months after the client has taken occupancy of the building.


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